not another church podcast

Our newest Podcast is now available online! We strongly recommend you subscribe to us on Apple Podcast and Spotify for new episode notifications. You can simply search for "Not Another Church Podcast" in either app and it's completely free! Be sure to look for our official purple Podcast icon at the top of this page!

Apple Podcast Link: CLICK HERE / Spotify Podcast Link: CLICK HERE



Our newest Podcast is now available online! Each session drops each Friday as Pastor Thom & Matt Aldridge tackle the widely discussed book of Revelation. Some weeks may feature special guests and below is an archive of each podcast. We strongly recommend you subscribe to us on Apple Podcast and Spotify so you can be notified when each session is available to listen or watch! You can simply search for "Not Another Revelation Podcast" in either app and it's completely free! 

Apple Podcast Link: CLICK HERE / Spotify Podcast Link: CLICK HERE